Select the right well system for your research: A comprehensive guide.

Select the right well system for your research: A comprehensive guide.

In preclinical research, the choice of the appropriate well system format – whether it’s a transwell, non-transwell, or individual transwell – can significantly impact the outcome of experiments. Selecting the correct plate is crucial to working with permeability, toxicity, drug screening, or other assays.

Cell-based in vitro models to characterize Food-Drug Interactions

Cell-based in vitro models to characterize Food-Drug Interactions

It is well known that food intake changes luminal conditions (e.g. pH, motility, microbiota,…) in the stomach and the small intestine, modifying drugs bioavailability. Food-drug interactions are one of the major challenges for oral-administered drugs, even more so if considering the growing use of food supplements and functional foods.