About Us
ReadyCell supports the pharmacological evaluation of drug candidates to minimize costs, facilitates lead optimization, and speeds up new drug development.

Operational Flexibility, Resources Rationalization and Easily Controlled Project

High Demand,
Targeted Efforts and
Process Optimization

Specialized Support and Fluent Communication
Identity and core values
Why ReadyCell
Trusting ReadyCell for your cell culture allows your business to respond better to market needs, have a reliable provider of high-quality cell kits, and reduce your capital expenditure.
With over 10 years of experience and 100 customers in more than 20 countries around the world, ReadyCell is the leading provider of cell-based ready-to-use products. Leveraging our expertise in specific clearance, efflux and uptake transporters, and passive transport, ReadyCell generates quality products following Regulatory Standards. From Small Molecules to Biologics and Oncological Products, ReadyCell is your one-stop provider for all your in vitro DMPK needs.
We develop, implement, and commercialize cell-based ready-to-use kits that provide highly reliable results while reducing time and costs for our clients, so biotech and pharmaceutical companies can optimize the development cycle for new drugs. ReadyCell supports the principles of 3R (Reduce, Replace, Refine) and 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seisō, Seiketsu, Shitsuke).
Our technology
Unique Shipping
ReadyCell’s Shipping Medium consists of a semi-solid culture system specifically designed to preserve cells at room temperature (15-25ºC), maintaining a suitable physicochemical environment, keeping adequate moisture conditions for cellular homeostasis and forming a protective cushion that protects cell integrity and functionality during long-distance shipments and up to seven days!
#1 Receive
Ready-to-use Cell Barrier

#2 Liquefy
Liquefying of solid Shipping Medium

#3 Apply
Incubation with Test Compound

#4 Assay
Assessment of Permeability/Transport End Point
Easing your screening worldwide
ReadyCell Delivery Times around the world
Hover over a country to find out more
Customer satisfaction
Our Client Reviews
The barriers of the intestine take 21 days of differentiation before they are ready to be used for an experiment. With ReadyCell, we can use their models without the resource required to maintain Transwell cultures. This saves both time and resources. We have found ReadyCell to be a professional service, with good batch quality of cells. Shipment takes a matter of days and we can use the barriers over a 5-day window once they arrive in the lab.

We use CacoReady as the cells during air transport are considered stable. This product has a high throughput due to the 96-well format, as well as a long experimental period (5 days) and no annual license requirement. We use it for investigational drug evaluation as a substrate and as an inhibitor of P-gp and BCRP.
CacoReady is a great ready-to-use kit for absorption, transporter and metabolism research. Due to its ease of use, it saves time in cell culture.
We have validated our permeability assay methodology using the CacoReady 24 kit and its reproducible and well accepted by regulatory agencies. We are using it for permeability classification of drug product which is one of the parameters for bio-waiver request package submitted to the regulatory agencies.
We use CacoReady because, due to the lack of experience culturing the cells and seeding them in monolayers we find it highly convenient to employ a ready-to-use kit for the determination of bidirectional permeability.
We use CacoReady with Transwell to evaluate intestinal permeability for drugs. The kit makes it possible to study A to B and B to A permeability and the calculation of the efflux ratio, intended for the selection of the most permeable candidates in different chemical series.
We do not have a license to culture cells in-house, that is why we use PreadyPort (WT-MDCK, MDR1-MDCK and BCRP-MDCK) to study the efflux ratio and permeability.
For our small team, the availability of the PreadyPort system to use as a screening assay is great. We save a lot of time we would otherwise use maintaining the cell cultures. We use it for permeability and efflux DMPK screens of small molecule compounds.

Ease of ordering, consistent results, and a high-quality product for when we aren’t able to use our own in-house cells. We use CacoReady for determining the effects of a client’s compound on the efflux of known Pgp and BCRP control substrates as well as the permeability of the client compound.