ReadyCell is attending the 4th Brain Barriers Summit in Boston

Brain Barriers Summit
ReadyCell Communications Department
17 August 2022

Our ReadyCell sales representative Carla Sapienza will travel next August 29th, 30th and 31st to Boston to attend the Brain Barriers Summit, an event that aims to join industry experts through a discursive forum and evaluate how neuropharmaceuticals can be targeted.

The event will be attended by numerous researchers of international prestige, as well as directors and executives of companies in the sector.

About the event

In order to enhance delivery, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics beyond the barriers of the brain and advance the next generation of administration technologies, the summit has scheduled different lectures according to theme:

  • Moving past the mouse into man
  • Current Methods in Passing Through the Blood Brain Barrier
  • Bypassing the barrier
  • Diversifying the workbench
  • Advancing Knowledge of the Brain in Disease
  • Looking for New Targets in Drug Delivery

Within these topics, various experts will present the latest advances and attendees will be able to provide information and discuss them at round tables.

The summit will reunite referents in the BBB field
The summit will reunite referents in the BBB field

Some of the main highlights presented at the summit will be how to explore translation from model to NHP to man, uncover the latest advancements in alternative delivery methods to evaluate the most effective strategies by molecule and detail pharmacokinetics and dosing strategies to inform better efficacy profiles.

They will also delve into the breadth of barrier penetration technology ranging from AAV vectors, exosomes to focused ultrasound and access the ground-breaking studies on barrier biology to capitalise on novel receptors and pathophysiological knowledge to aid in drug discovery.

ReadyCell in the USA

In addition to attending the event, our representative will be visiting different clients in the area and in different parts of the United States during the following days.

If you are interested in meeting with us in the United States, you can do so through our contact form or by sending an email to

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