Readycell participated in the annual meeting of the StretchBio Project, which was held at the Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) in Copenhagen.
The five partners of the Consortium, Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (ALU-FR), Leitat and Readycell, met on Monday September 5th to present the progress and discuss the results obtained during the first year of the project. During the session, they also defined the main goals and future measures to be taken for the second annuity.
Continuous two-dimensional Stretch monitoring of fresh tissue Biopsies
The overall goal of the StretchBio project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, is to develop a label-free and compact nano system for the continuous monitoring and quantification of the mechanical stresses (stretch) in ex vivo tissue biopsies undergoing drug screening.
The main approach builds on a two-dimensional force sensor based on a nanopillar array whose bending, caused by the mechanical forces exerted by the living tissue, will change the transmitted light through the array. This novel nanodevice may allow scientists to evaluate the changes of the tissues undergoing treatment with anticancer drugs for improved drug screening and personalized medicine in clinical settings.

ReadyCell is the leader of exploitation, dissemination, training and communication package.
Readycell leads together with the project coordinator, the UB, the exploitation, dissemination, training and communication package of the project. To this end, the group has settled and implemented effective strategies to identify potential project results and has defined an exploitation plan including the patentability study and market prospect.
Besides, Readycell’s expertise in cell culture and Caco-2 cell line has allowed to perform biocompatibility assays with potential substrate materials conforming nanopillars’ surface, contributing to the tissue-nanopillar material compatibility activities in the context of the project as preliminary steps before conducting long-term ex vivo studies on the nanopillar array prototypes.

Laying the groundwork for future actions
The meeting undoubtedly helped to strengthen the relationship between the consortium partners and was a great opportunity to share the strengths and weaknesses of the project and set the potential solutions for a successful project development in the next stages.
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