Programme | Proyectos de I+D+i en Líneas Estratégicas 2022 (MICIN) |
Budget | 79.541 Euros |
Duration | 2022-2025 (36 months) |
Consortium | Leitat (project coordinator), Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca, ReadyCell |
The primary goal of this project, MPS-LOC “Microphysiological systems based on liver-on-chip for drug discovery and testing”, is to develop liver-on-chip systems that integrate microfluidics, 3D printing, human-derived liver cells, and liver-derived bioinks. These systems aim to replace animal models in drug discovery, offering higher predictive value in preclinical drug development.
These liver-on-chip devices are expected to represent human liver physiology and function more accurately for drug discovery, and their adaptability to include multi-donor pooling could provide data that better reflects the diverse metabolisms found in the population.