Seminar: Emerging Trends and Challenges in Customer Journey

ReadyCell customer journey seminar
ReadyCell Communications Department
7 July 2023

In a new edition of the ReadyCell presentation’s cycle, Carla Sapienza, Business Developer Manager, shared her expertise with the rest of the team. Her talk dealt with the customer journey business model, the different acquisition methods, and the importance of connecting with people at all relationship stages. During the conference, she also showed the potential of online platforms such as the web and social networks in the search for new markets.

What is an acquisition model?

As a commercial specialist, Carla began her talk, entitled “How to find the Ideal Customer Acquisition Model? Emerging Trends and Challenges“, with this question, defining to the rest of the company basic concepts of the sales area and aiming to incorporate knowledge to the members who were more distant from this topic.

Among them, she highlighted the different customer journey stages together with general statistics. She also pointed out the value of listening to the needs of each customer at every step to provide optimal service.

Has the way of connecting with customers changed in recent years?

Just a couple of decades ago, the most traditional way to reach new leads was what is known as the “cold calls,” where the benefits of the products were negotiated in person. However, because of the rise of technology and further enhanced by the pandemic, the role of new technologies has been vital in developing a complete experience where the customer becomes the center of it.

Therefore, Carla emphasized the new trends and highlighted the effectiveness of adapting to them, showing the ability to connect with targets that would otherwise be much more difficult. She mainly focused on customer acquisition through social platforms, addressing the challenges of transmitting trust and quality through a single digital message.

Carla explaining the global trends that currently exist in the sales model.
Carla explained the global trends that currently exist in the sales model.

The talk was of great interest to the rest of the attendees, who could see firsthand how the work done returns through the trust and satisfaction of the customers.

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